The debut trailer for the open-world crime thriller GTA VI turned a year old yesterday, and Rockstar Games is in no hurry to announce the next presentation. A former studio animator explained why this happens.
Image source: Rockstar Games
According to Mike York, who worked at Rockstar New England from 2012 to 2017 and participated in the creation of GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2, the studio is deliberately not saying anything about the second trailer.
York added that Rockstar’s silence creates an aura of attraction and mystery around the studio, while also bringing fans closer together to fill the void between announcements with crazy theories, for example.
While part of Rockstar, York and his colleagues took great pleasure in hearing fan guesses. The specialist is sure that even now the studio employees “talk about them non-stop.”
Bullet holes in the GTA VI art and Braille are just the thing for calculating the timing of the second trailer (image source: IGN)
The ex-Rockstar employee also suggested that the studio is playing along with conspiracy theorists by avoiding mentioning the game, however, hints about the timing of the release of trailers, as popular theories suggest, are almost certainly not hidden in promotional materials.
The first and so far only trailer for GTA VI was released on December 5, 2023, setting several records and reaching 224 million views on YouTube. The game is expected to be released next fall on PS5, Xbox Series X and S.