Despite the launch of Apple Intelligence, functions based on artificial intelligence from the iPhone manufacturer are not yet reached by analogues from competitors, such as Openai or Anthropic, especially due to the lack of their own chat. To correct the situation, the company attracted Apple Veteran Kim Vorrath, which worked on Vision Pro and software for the iPhone, and is also known for its ability to fix problematic products and bring large projects to the market.
According to Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman, this week Kim Worrath, who served as Apple’s vice president of program management, was transferred to the artificial intelligence and machine learning division. In her new position, she will become principal deputy to division head John Giannandrea. This was reported by knowledgeable sources who wished to remain anonymous because Warrat’s appointment had not been publicly announced.
Gurman’s report notes that Worrat played a key role in the recent launch of the Vision Pro mixed reality headset. Previously, she assisted iPhone software developers with project management and also consulted for the team under Giannandra.
Until the new appointment, Vorrat consulted Kelsey Peterson (Kelsey Peterson), the former head of the program management group. Now Peterson will obey Vorrat, like two other leaders of the AI units-Cindy Lin and Mark Schonbrun. According to Gurman, Dzhannandra, who moved to Apple from Google in 2018, reported to employees about the permutation of the permutation.
Apple has yet to release an improved version of the neural network-based voice assistant Siri, announced in June last year. However, current assistant integration remains quite limited. The beta version of the new Siri is expected to appear immediately after the release of the iOS 18.4 beta. Over time, Siri will learn to interact with user content in various applications and will be able to perform many new actions.
At the same time, iOS 18.3 clearly demonstrates some of Apple’s problems in the field of artificial intelligence. For example, the company was recently forced to disable the function for generating news excerpts because the algorithm often misinformed users. In her new role, Worrath will focus on improving the company’s AI algorithms to make Apple Intelligence more competitive.