Intel recently introduced the Core Ultra 200S processors, for which it announced support for faster RAM. Now it turns out that you will have to pay a high price for high speed – you can get DDR5-6400 without additional overclocking only by using new CUDIMM modules, while with regular UDIMMs you can only achieve DDR5-5600 mode, as before.
CUDIMMs, thanks to the built-in clock generator, provide increased memory stability at high frequencies, allowing for improved performance. Some models can even reach speeds up to DDR5-9600. Moreover, ASRock has released an enthusiast-oriented motherboard that can handle DDR5-10133+ memory with liquid cooling and additional settings. By the way, similar modules are already offered by Micron (Crucial), TeamGroup and Asgard.
Let’s remember that Intel introduced Arrow Lake processors in early October, and they are expected to go on retail sale on October 24. CUDIMM memory modules should go on sale around the same time.
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