Solvang Norwegian shipping company is ready for marine tests of the world’s first vessel, equipped with a carbon dioxide capture and storage system released by its own engines. Shipping is the cause of 3 % global emissions of CO2 anthropogenic origin. Projecting emissions from ship power plants will partially solve this problem before the appearance of truly clean motor systems.
Image source: Solvang
On the Clipper Eris tanker, designed to transport liquefied gas or chemicals, the installation of the Co -₂ capture system on the Seatrium in Singapore is completed. The ship will go out at sea in February. To assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of the new test technology, two years will last. According to their results, Solvang will decide to equip seven new tankers under construction with similar systems.
The seizure system of the 7-MW of the diesel engine of the vessel will capture up to 70 % CO2. The exhaust gases will be cleaned and cooled for the subsequent liquefaction of carbon dioxide, which will be stored in balloons on the deck. The company itself does not have a need for a liquefied CO2, but she hopes that in the future there will be demand for this substance in the food, chemical and energy spheres, in particular, for the production of carbonated drinks and synthetic fuel using renewable energy.
By default, on ships and other objects using powerful diesel power plants, exhaust gas purification systems are always used – these are the so -called scrubber. Their production is engaged in Wärtsilä. Together with the Sintef Institute, this manufacturer modernized scrubbers to work in the carbon dioxide system of shipbuilding. Both systems will function in parallel, providing the maximum possible purity of exhaust.