Rhode Island startup Regent Craft has successfully completed the first passenger test of its full-size electric ekranoplan. The Viceroy Seaglider uses the so-called “screen effect,” which increases the lift of the wing and reduces aerodynamic drag when flying near a screening surface, such as water.

Image source: Regent Craft

The ekranoplan is capable of carrying 12 passengers and two crew members or up to 1,600 kg of cargo over a distance of up to 300 km, maintaining a cruising speed of 300 km/h and flying at an altitude of 9-18 meters above the water. The developers have published a short video demonstrating the testing process of the Viceroy Seaglider.

Regent Craft received permission from the US Coast Guard to test a full-size Viceroy prototype last September, but it took until now to do so. According to available information, the prototype is the same length as the future production version – 16.75 m, and also has a similar wingspan – 19.8 m. The aircraft can operate in three modes: floating on the water on its hull, hovering near the surface on hydrofoils, or flying a few meters above the water.

Regent Craft was founded in 2020 and has been developing an ekranoplan ever since. It took two years to create a miniature prototype. After that, the developers began building a full-size prototype and began extensive testing of onboard systems, including engines, batteries, and control software. Now the startup is one step closer to justifying the $90 million invested by investors and entering the high-speed electric coastal transport market.

Regent Craft says it has already received orders totaling $9 billion from partners around the world who plan to use its ekranoplans for transporting tourists, shipping cargo, responding to emergencies, and more. The company is also working with the U.S. Marine Corps to explore the potential of its ekranoplans for maritime defense and logistics. Regent Craft is currently building a manufacturing facility in Rhode Island to open next year.

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