The first documented extreme solar magnetic storm in 1859 was so strong that it knocked out telegraph communications in North America and Europe, even causing fires in places. But in the history of the Earth, such cataclysms were much more powerful – of mega-extreme intensity. If this happened today, it would cause chaos throughout the civilized world. The worst thing is that it will happen sooner or later. Scientists want to be prepared for it.
Coronal mass ejection on August 31, 2012. Image source: NASA/GFSC/SDO
Is it possible to prepare for a solar storm of incredible intensity? According to the researchers, yes. To do this, it is necessary, at a minimum, to look for signs of extreme solar storms in the past in order to be able to correctly assess the likelihood and even signs of their occurrence in the future.
In 2012, a team of scientists led by Fusa Miyake of Nagoya University in Japan found that extreme solar storms can cause dramatic changes in the concentration of radiocarbon (C14) found in tree rings. Combined with counting tree rings and using other methods to determine the age of objects, it is possible to detect signs of strong solar storms on Earth and date them with great accuracy.
The new study is not the first attempt to date solar storms using tree rings. Previously, Miyake’s team showed that one of the most powerful solar storms on Earth occurred in 774 AD, which would have eclipsed the geomagnetic storm of 1859 in its intensity. The auroras associated with this storm were reflected in written sources of that time, which indirectly confirms the correctness of the dating technique used.
Other dates for the most intense solar storms were 993 AD, 660 BC, 5259 BC. and 7176 BC But the most powerful solar storm occurred about 14,370 years ago, near the end of the last ice age. Its intensity was such that almost all satellites in Earth’s orbit above the magnetosphere would definitely be in trouble.
In fairness, it should be recognized that some of the detected events could also be caused by cosmic radiation, for example, gamma-ray bursts from supernovae or from other phenomena. And yet, scientists insist that the Sun, like relatively cold and calm stars like it, is capable of presenting a surprise to a technologically advanced civilization, and one must prepare for this in advance in order to minimize the consequences. Satellites falling on our heads and a total blackout of communications and electricity can lead to chaos on the planet with far-reaching consequences.