There have long been rumors that Apple plans to release a new iPhone SE in the spring. It was expected that it would receive a number of modern features, including a USB Type-C interface and a Dynamic Island cutout instead of a notch. Now a short video and several photos have appeared on the Internet, the author of which, social network X user Majin Bu, claims that they show a mockup of the iPhone SE 4.

Image Source: Majin Bu / X

If the published materials are true, then previous reports regarding the smartphone screen were not confirmed. The updated iPhone SE retains the look of the previous generation models with bangs instead of the more modern Dynamic Island cutout.

This can be understood by the location of the front camera lens, which is located to the left of center, like older versions of the iPhone.

As in previous versions of the device, the new iPhone SE will be equipped with the main camera based on one sensor. The innovation was the emergence of the USB Type-C interface to connect the charger, but this is not surprising, since this condition is now prerequisite for smartphones sold in the EU.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Apple’s new budget smartphone could be called the iPhone 16E. It was also expected to cost more than the current generation model. It is expected that the retail price of the updated iPhone SE will be at least $499.

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