The ambitious H2M mod, which sought to recreate the multiplayer experience of the classic Modern Warfare 2 (2009) on PC, which spurred sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered on Steam, did not live up to release for just one day.

Image Source: Activision

The online mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is still considered by many fans to be the best in the series, but the remaster released in 2020 did not include multiplayer, unlike the 2016 re-release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

The H2M team promised 54 maps – from the multiplayer and campaign of Modern Warfare 2, as well as from Call of Duty 4 – improved graphics and new content. A copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered would be required to play. The release was expected on August 16.

As the H2M developers reported on the project’s microblog, on August 15 they received a letter from Activision’s lawyers demanding that they stop developing the mod and immediately obeyed this order. H2M is officially dead.

«Over a year of pro bono work recreating the fan-favorite Call of Duty. Not a single penny earned, despite generating thousands of copies sold for Activision. And all in order for [Activision] to close [the project] after people have spent their money,” one of the H2M authors summed up the situation.

Image source: X (alstr_)

Fans who rushed to buy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered for H2M were predictably upset by the news and were outraged that Activision waited until the last day before release before “killing” the mod.

The flames of popular anger have already spread to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered on Steam: players are filing refunds and leaving angry reviews. Recent review ratings have dropped to 7% (“very negative”).

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