Released in 2015, the puzzle game A Good Snowman is Hard to Build about a monster who makes snowmen recently turned 10 years old, and to celebrate the anniversary, the developers from the Draknek & Friends studio have prepared something truly special.
Image source: Steam (peremptor)
As noted by the journalists of Video Games Chronicle, in honor of the recent anniversary of Draknek & Friends, they decided to provide A Good Snowman is Hard to Build with a new pricing model based on temperature.
In particular, the price of A Good Snowman is Hard to Build on the platform will change every hour depending on the current temperature in London, which is tracked by the meteorological portal OpenWeather.
Image source: (Draknek & Friends)
At the time of publication, it was 1.9 degrees Celsius in London, so the price dropped from $15 to $1.9 (an 87% discount). For those who prefer other units of measurement, the game will cost significantly more: $35.42 (35.42 degrees Fahrenheit) or $275.05 (275.05 Kelvin).
The new pricing policy means that A Good Snowman is Hard to Build will be more profitable to buy at night than during the day, and preferably during the cold season. If the temperature drops below zero Celsius, the game will become free.
Waiting for cooler weather (Image source: Steam)
The developers note that the initiative is only available on Other platforms (in particular, Steam, iOS and Android) do not allow the game’s price to be changed automatically, especially every hour.
Draknek & Friends are currently working on a puzzle game called The Electrifying Incident starring the monster from A Good Snowman is Hard to Build. The game will be released in April, and a demo is available on Steam.