Earlier this year, Microsoft released the Surface Laptop 7 and Surface Pro 11 laptops powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X series processors. However, Microsoft has not abandoned the idea of releasing Surface with Intel chips. A prototype of a Surface laptop 7 powered by an Intel Lunar Lake processor has been discovered on the Chinese secondary trading platform Goofish.
As reported by Windows Central, the discovered Microsoft Surface laptop prototype is equipped with a Core Ultra 7 268V (eight cores, eight threads, 2.2-5.0 GHz). The chip also has integrated Arc 140V graphics and an NPU with 48 TOPS (trillion operations per second) performance.
According to a seller from the Chinese marketplace Goofish, the laptop is also equipped with 32 GB of RAM and a 1 TB solid-state drive. On the back cover of the device there is an inscription: “Prototype – not for sale.”
The seller also states that we are talking specifically about the Surface Laptop 7 version, which should go on sale in 2025. Microsoft will likely unveil the device at the CES 2025 electronics show in January.
Windows Central sources also confirm that Microsoft is currently testing new versions of Surface Laptops with Lunar Lake processors.
It is currently unknown whether Microsoft plans to offer a new version of the Intel-based laptop in both the consumer and enterprise segments. Previous Surface Laptops with 1st Gen Intel Core Ultra processors (Meteor Lake) were offered as a business-exclusive solution.
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