There are still a few weeks left before the official launch of new motherboards based on the Intel Z890 chipset. Despite this, the American retailer HSSL has already published on its website a list of 10 new products in this series from Asus, indicating their prices. Most likely, by the time sales begin, the cost of Asus motherboards will change, but this list gives an idea of the retail price of new products.
According to published data, the most affordable motherboard will be the Asus Z890 MAX Gaming Wi-Fi, which is priced at $268. Those who want to build a gaming system but don’t have a big budget at hand should also take a look at Asus’ other Gaming-branded motherboards, which will be available for between $356 and $559.
Enthusiast-oriented ROG Maximus motherboards are quite expensive. To become the owner of such a new product you will have to pay at least $780, while the flagship Maximus Z890 Extreme costs almost $1112. Together with Z890 motherboards, a new APEX model is expected to be released, which is focused on overclocking and will cost about $812.
Note that at the moment Asus has not disclosed either specifications, prices, or even the names of the new motherboards. Officially, the Z890 series models are under embargo, but the company showed off several unnamed motherboards at Computex earlier this year. Additionally, Asus recently revealed several Z890 motherboards under the title “Next Generation Intel Motherboards.” According to the source, the announcement of the Z890 models may take place on October 10.
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