A French court today released Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov from custody, but only for questioning and a decision on whether to bring charges. The businessman was detained last Saturday, August 24, immediately upon his arrival in France – he faces charges of complicity in more than a dozen serious crimes, as they were committed using Telegram.
After almost four days spent in police custody, Pavel Durov was handed over to justice on August 28, reports BFMTV. The channel also reports that the investigating judge terminated the detention of Pavel Durov for the purpose of conducting preliminary interrogation and possible filing of charges in the future. It turns out that this case is not over yet and the businessman may be detained again.
Durov was targeted by French law enforcement over a lack of moderation on the messaging app Telegram, which has about a billion users worldwide. According to authorities, the platform has become very popular among criminals due to the connivance of its developers.
They wanted to accuse Durov of complicity in many crimes committed using Telegram, since he did nothing to prevent them and refused to cooperate with the authorities. The charges against Durov included 12 counts, including complicity in the possession and distribution of child pornography, assistance in terrorism, participation in drug trafficking and other serious offenses.
Following Durov’s arrest, the Telegram team released a statement emphasizing that the platform complies with EU laws and its moderation policies “meet industry standards and are constantly being improved.” It would be absurd to hold the platform or its owner responsible for its abuse, the company noted, adding that Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and often travels around Europe. The messenger is a means of communication and a source of important information for almost a billion users, the company emphasized and expressed hope for a speedy resolution of the current situation.
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