Commenting on the arrest in France of the founder and CEO of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, the company’s development team stated that the messenger complies with EU legislation, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), and is constantly working to improve moderation, which complies with industry standards .
It would be absurd to hold the platform or its owner responsible for its abuse, the company noted, adding that Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and often travels around Europe. The manager is a means of communication and a source of important information for almost a billion users, the company emphasized and expressed hope for a speedy resolution of the current situation.
Durov’s detention is widely discussed throughout the world. In an interview with Izvestia, French lawyer Alain Duflot said that the founder of Telegram could theoretically face up to 20 years in prison. He also called the chances of being released on bail minimal, since Durov lives most of the time in Dubai and a number of other countries, including Azerbaijan, and therefore there is a risk of his escape from France.
American businessman Elon Musk advocated for the release of Pavel Durov. He published a fragment of Durov’s interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson on his social network X (formerly Twitter), adding the hashtag #FreePavel to the post.
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