Browser developer Opera has unveiled a new AI-powered feature called Browser Operator. Users will be able to trust AI to perform tasks such as searching for products, booking hotels, and buying tickets. The company itself sees this feature as a step forward and a paradigm shift in web surfing.

Image source: Denny Müller / Unsplash

Browser Operator performs tasks that would normally require manual searching, analyzing data and offering users the best options. At the same time, the company claims that information is processed exclusively locally, without transferring data to the cloud. To interact with the system, you just need to enter a request in a small window at the bottom of the screen, PCWorld explains.

During the presentation, the query was demonstrated: “Find me 12 pairs of white Nike socks that I can buy right now.” The browser immediately conducted a search, broke the task down into stages, and offered suitable options. Tickets for a football match were found in a similar way, and then airline tickets and a hotel for the required dates were selected.

It is important to note that the AI ​​operator does not make purchases directly for the user, i.e. it does not complete transactions, but stops at the checkout screen. According to Opera, this is due to security issues and the necessary trust in the system. Interestingly, it is not yet specified whether this function will be paid, but the developers note that it will definitely require significant computing resources, which may serve as a certain hint.

Browser Operator is already available as a preview version. The official launch is expected as part of the AI ​​Feature Drop program, but the exact release date has not been announced.

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