Microsoft has announced a large -scale update for the Start menu in Windows 11, which will allow users to view content from their smartphones directly to the PC. Previously, this function was available only for Android devices, but now I have received support.
Image source: Microsoft
According to BleepingComputer, to use a new function, it is necessary that Windows 11 be installed on the computer with a 4805 or higher assembly version in Beta Channel, or 26120.3000 or higher in Dev Channel. You will also need the Phone LINK application version 1.24121.30.0 or newer, accounting Microsoft and support Bluetooth le. However, the function is not available on devices with versions of Windows 11 Pro Education or Education.
After updating the system, you need to select the type of device (Android or iPhone) in the Start menu and follow the instructions on the screen. As soon as the connection is installed, the data from the smartphone will automatically be displayed on the menu. For example, it will be possible to track the level of the iPhone battery, the status of the connection, read text messages, accept calls and check the latest actions.
Image source: Microsoft
However, to access wider interaction, it will still be necessary to open the Phone Link app. You can configure the compounds with gadgets through the section “Parameters” – “Personalization” – “Start”. There you can turn off the side panel if it is not needed.
As journalists from BleepingComputer found out, the Start menu side panel operates on the basis of Adaptive Cards from Microsoft, which is also used for the widget panel. In the future, presumably, Microsoft can open access to this side panel for developers so that they can create their own widgets similar to the Phone Link application, thereby increasing the functionality of the “start” menu for users.