The WhatsApp administration spoke about new features related to video calling: it became possible to select call participants from a group chat, the image resolution during video calling was increased, and the “Calls” tab of the PC client was updated. Messenger is becoming an increasingly serious competitor to Google Meet and Zoom.
Previously, by opening a group chat, the user could call the entire group for a video call. Now, if there is no need to disturb everyone, you can specify specific participants in a group call. This will come in handy, for example, when a surprise is being prepared for someone in the group. New effects also appeared in video calls, including “puppy ears”, imitation of diving under water or a microphone in karaoke.
The desktop version of the app has updated the Calls tab to include buttons for starting a call, creating a new call link, and dialing a number. The image resolution during video communication has increased – this affects personal and voice calls on mobile devices and on PCs. Over the course of this year, WhatsApp has already improved its capabilities for video calls: support for up to 32 participants appeared, the image of the current interlocutor began to be highlighted, and it became possible to broadcast the screen and sound. The messenger is increasingly used not only by individuals, but also by organizations.
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