This week, WhatsApp users became able to save draft messages. Now the messenger will inform the user if he has unsent messages in chats and will offer to return to interacting with them.
Unsent messages in chats are accompanied by the word “Draft” written in green. After the word “Draft” comes the text that was previously written by the user, but, for some reason, was never sent to the recipient. Thus, when opening the application, the user can quickly return to writing and sending started messages. Draft messages appear at the top of the chat list, so users don’t have to scroll through chats looking for unfinished messages.
According to the source, this innovation is becoming available to WhatsApp users around the world. Obviously, it will take some time before the function of saving draft messages becomes available to all users of the messenger.
In July this year, WhatsApp announced that 100 million people around the world use the messenger every month. Not long ago, developers added a number of new features, including their own address book and custom lists for more efficient organization of user chats.
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