The founder and CEO of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov, who was released on bail after being detained at the end of August at Le Bourget airport in France by local law enforcement authorities, is cooperating with the French judicial authorities and fully complies with the control conditions established after he was charged, TASS writes with reference to statement by Paris prosecutor Laure Becco on RTL radio.
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«This is fully within the framework of cooperation with the judicial authorities at the present time,” the prosecutor said, answering a question from the host of the morning program about Durov’s compliance with the conditions of judicial control, including the need to report to the police commissariat twice a week.
Laure Beko explained Durov’s arrest by Telegram’s lack of response to requests from French investigators. “The cybercrime department received notifications several times and contacted the Telegram platform several times to identify the attackers. But the platform did not respond to these requests,” she said, adding that there was also a desire to show that “organized crime is developing in a world that is too often considered virtual.” Laure Beco noted that the existing law in France allows for prosecution for the administration of Internet platforms used for illegal operations.
«This case is indicative of the actions being carried out by the Anti-Cybercrime Service of the Paris Prosecutor’s Office,” the prosecutor emphasized. At the same time, she left unanswered the presenter’s question about the readiness of French law enforcement forces to detain Chapter X Elon Musk when he visits France.
As the Paris prosecutor’s office reported earlier, the investigation into the case of the founder of Telegram could last several months. In an address to Telegram users published on the platform, Durov outlined his vision of what was happening and thanked them for their support, promising to improve the messenger.