Earlier, Samsung introduced a new series of Galaxy S25 smartphones, which included the Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra models. At the same time, Corning introduced a new protective glass, Gorilla Armor 2. It is used in the older model of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra smartphone.
Compared to the original Gorilla Armor glass found on the Galaxy S24 Ultra, the second-generation glass coating is even more durable and delivers even more display fidelity thanks to its anti-reflective properties that “significantly reduce surface reflections both indoors and outdoors.” and outdoors,” says Corning.
What’s more, according to the manufacturer, Gorilla Armor 2’s anti-glare properties “can improve display contrast ratio under different lighting conditions.” Gorilla Armor 2’s screen protector is also “more than four times” more scratch resistant than unnamed “competition lithium aluminosilicate anti-reflective glass screen protectors.”
According to Corning lab tests, Gorilla Armor 2 can withstand a drop of up to 2.2 meters onto a “concrete-like” surface. The company noted that “alternative ceramic glass materials” did not survive a 1m drop, although it did not publicly name these alternatives.