The investigation into the case of Telegram founder Pavel Durov, accused in France of, among other things, “complicity in the administration of an online platform for the purpose of committing illegal transactions by an organized group,” may last several months. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the Paris prosecutor’s office.
Image source: Durov/VK
«At the end of the investigation, when the investigating judges feel they have completed their investigation, which could take several months, the case will be closed. The prosecutor’s office will decide either to dismiss the case or to transfer the case to a criminal court with reclassification of crimes, if it deems it necessary. Then the investigating judges, in turn, issue a decision to terminate the case or organize a hearing,” the Paris prosecutor’s office said in a statement.
Let us remind you that Durov was detained at Paris Le Bourget airport on August 24. The arrest of the founder of Telegram caused widespread public criticism in different countries of the world. In France, the businessman is suspected of several offenses and crimes, including complicity in the administration of an online platform for the purpose of carrying out illegal transactions as a group. If Durov is found guilty, he could face up to 10 years in prison.
In addition, Durov is charged with refusal to cooperate with the authorities, complicity in the storage and distribution of pornographic images of minors, transportation, sale or distribution of narcotic drugs, use of cryptocurrency instruments, complicity in the transfer or provision without legal grounds of equipment, tools, programs or data developed or adapted for hacking and access to the functioning of an automated data processing system, etc.
Durov was released on bail of €5 million on August 28. During the investigation, he was banned from leaving French territory and was also required to report to the police twice a week.