Following a teaser that outraged fans in September, Warner Bros. Pictures presented the first full trailer for the film “Minecraft at the Movies” based on the popular block sandbox of the same name from Mojang.
Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures
Let us remind you that in the plot, four losers are drawn into a cubic world through a mysterious portal. To return home, the heroes will have to show courage and ingenuity, and team up with local expert Steve.
Steve is played by Jack Black, and the Minecraft the Movie trailer reveals his backstory. Since childhood, he dreamed of mines, but one day his passion led him to “a magical world where everything is possible… that can be built from blocks.”
The two-and-a-half-minute video also features a look at The Overworld, many familiar Minecraft creatures and items, including Ender Pearls.
The initial fan reaction to the trailer was much more positive compared to the September teaser. At the time of publication of the material, the video collected more than 71 thousand likes on YouTube and an order of magnitude (7.2 thousand) fewer dislikes.
Users praise the improvements compared to the last video, references to established memes in the community, small details (like the collar that appears on the wolf after taming) and the selection of music.
The American premiere of “Minecraft at the Movies” will take place on April 4, 2025. The film was directed by Jared Hess, who is known for films such as Napoleon Dynamite and Supernacho.