Telegram’s flexible search capabilities allow users to easily find public channels and bots. Unfortunately, the extensive search capabilities have also been used by unscrupulous people who violated the messenger’s Terms of Service to sell illegal goods. Over the past few weeks, a special team of moderators using AI has made searching in Telegram much safer by removing problematic content, said Pavel Durov.
«To deter criminals from abusing search, we have made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules may be disclosed to the appropriate authorities in response to valid legal requests,” says the official channel of Telegram founder Pavel Durov.
Telegram also announced updates to its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to ensure consistency across the globe.
These measures are aimed at deterring criminals. According to Durov, “Telegram search is intended to find friends and news, and not to promote illegal goods. We will not allow bad actors to compromise the integrity of our platform for nearly a billion users.”
Users can report unsafe or illegal content found in Telegram search by sending a message to @SearchReport.
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