The administration of the instant messaging service Telegram presented the first update of the application in 2025. The messenger now features collectible gifts, reactions to official messages, filters in message searches, account verification by third parties, and a built-in QR code scanner.
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In addition to standard gifts, unique collectible gifts have appeared for users – this status can be assigned to it by both the sender and the recipient. A unique collectible gift. The image for it is selected based on several dozen options created by the artists of the Telegram team, and is supplemented with its own set of characteristics, such as a number, pattern or background color.
Some of these characteristics are less likely to appear, and gifts with them become especially rare. Currently, more than 20 existing gifts can be upgraded to collectibles—1,400 options are available. Upgrading the gift will cost several stars – units of Telegram’s internal currency, which will be used to pay for transactions on the blockchain.
Some events in chats are accompanied by service messages: sending gifts, adding a new group member, starting a video conference session, calls, changing photos or backgrounds in correspondence. Now such messages support reactions – you can thank for a gift or greet a new participant in the correspondence. In the “Chats” tab, which appears when you click on the search bar above the list of chats, search results filters have appeared, thanks to which you can limit the search to chats, groups or channels. You can also view recent uploads or media from a chat.
Verification of users is now carried out not only by the platform administration, but also by third-party organizations to which the administration has given the appropriate powers. After passing the verification procedure, the chat or account receives a verified account icon and an explanation of who carried out the verification. Users with a Telegram Premium subscription have the opportunity to use custom emoticons in chat folders. Finally, a QR code scanner has appeared in the camera section of applications for Android and iOS – links open in the browser that the user has installed by default. The Telegram administration intended to release an update with all these features back in 2024, but this did not happen due to a delay from Apple.