A new format of advertising content has appeared in the Telegram messenger. Ads can now be placed directly between posts in the channel feed, and not just after the last post. This means that users will see ads as they scroll up or down the feed. Network sources write about this with reference to data from the MTS press service.
Image source: unsplash.com
According to available data, one channel can have several advertising blocks, their number depends on the publications that have not been viewed by the user. “Telegram is constantly improving its advertising inventory and increasing its capacity – this is especially important in light of the constant shortage of high-quality advertising inventory in RuNet and increased demand during the New Year holidays. Increasing the number of advertising spaces will have a positive impact on prices in the auction and will help avoid overheating and inflated bids,” Elena Melnikova, vice president for advertising business at MTS, commented on this issue.
The message states that the new ad type cannot be selected at the ad campaign settings level. Ad placement between posts is automatic and applies to all ad formats, including text, banners and video. Let us remind you that Telegram previously added animation and video to advertising, thanks to which ads can contain not only text, but also media content.
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