Telegram has introduced a major update that includes a number of new features and improvements. The main innovation was a built-in browser with support for multiple tabs, access to Web3, a mini application store, the ability to give “Stars” to friends and much more.
Image source: Pixabay
The Telegram browser supports multiple tabs, which allows you to quickly switch between sites, articles in quick view mode, mini-applications and chat messages. An important feature of the browser was support for decentralized sites in the TON network, opening access to Web3 technologies for almost a billion active Telegram users, according to the company’s official blog. You can also bookmark pages to view them later.
A new “Applications” tab has appeared in the “Search” section. Here users will find a list of mini-applications they already use, as well as a selection of popular ones. Developers were able to upload screenshots and videos demonstrating the functionality of their applications, as well as create content that users could publish in their stories. Apps that use Stars for payment can now appear in the Popular Apps section.
Нововведение коснулось и «Звёзд». Пользователи могут дарить друг другу звёзды Telegram, которые используются для покупки цифровых товаров в мини-приложениях или доступа к платному контенту на каналах. Подаренные звёзды отобразятся в чате в виде анимированного праздничного ярлыка. Чтобы их подарить, нужно зайти в раздел «Настройки» -> «My stars.”
Telegram developers have also made changes to the weather widget, covers for video stories, and improved recording of video messages – now you can record videos without holding your finger on the screen.
These are just some of the innovations introduced in the latest Telegram update. The messenger team is already working on new features that will appear in August.