In the recent days, the number of complaints about the official Telegram application has sharply increased in the App Store. After installing the latest software update (version 12.02), users began to notice that their smartphones are overheated and discharged too quickly, and malfunctions were more frequent.
Judging by the reviews, the application often arbitrarily stop working. Some users have stopped loading video messages, while others complain about the inability to record them. But most complaints are associated with strong overheating iPhone, as well as an overly fast battery charge.
Interestingly, not everyone has problems. In Telegram, the situation has not yet commented on the situation, but most likely problems will be eliminated with the next update, as is usually the case.
Nevertheless, you can correct the situation with a smartphone overheating now. To do this, disconnect the automatic loading of media files in the application through the settings → Data and Memory → through the mobile network/via Wi-Fi. This is a temporary solution, but before the update it will allow you to return comfort in the use of a smartphone.
Note that not so long ago, the official client of Telegram faced similar problems. On December 23, 2024, iPhone users began to complain about overheating and the fast discharge of the battery after updating to the Telegram 11.5.2 version.
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