The advertising platform SberAds, owned by Sber, which does not yet have its own affiliate network, is preparing to launch monetization of third-party resources. Owners of Telegram channels are also considered as potential partners. Kommersant writes about this with reference to data from an online survey conducted by SberAds employees among potential partners.
Currently, the service allows clients to place advertisements on Sber’s own resources and in partner advertising networks. Let us remind you that the SberAds platform was launched in closed testing last year. In May of this year, the service opened free registration for legal entities. According to the survey, service employees are studying interest in monetization among potential clients, including owners of websites, mobile applications and Telegram channels.
It is curious that the Yandex Direct advertising platform works with the same platforms, but monetization of channels in Telegram appeared on the platform only about a year ago. According to Yandex, currently 7 thousand Telegram channels are monetized using the company’s services, and in total more than 70 thousand sites work with the Yandex advertising network. VK reported that the holding’s advertising network covers “hundreds of thousands of sites and applications.” Telegram channels are not included in this list.
The general director of the native platform, Anna Doskach, believes that the Sbera service, with the help of an affiliate network, “can, if successful, become a strong competitor to Yandex Direct.” She also noted that Sber has already managed to gain the potential for fairly accurate targeting of advertising. “He has socio-demographic data, a database of interests, purchases, movements, obtained as a result of analyzing the audience of Sberbank projects,” said Ms. Doskach.
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