Last year, Qualcomm launched the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor for entry-level 5G smartphones. Although its successor, the Snapdragon 4 Gen 3, has already made its mark in the Geekbench benchmark database, it is not the next chip in the Snapdragon 4 series—Qualcomm has unveiled the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2. This is a less powerful version of the original Snapdragon 4 Gen 2, designed for even cheaper smartphones. up to $100.
Qualcomm Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 (SM4635) is manufactured using 4nm process technology. This eight-core processor contains two high-performance Cortex-A78 cores with a frequency of 2.0 GHz and six energy-efficient Crotex-A55 cores with a frequency of 1.8 GHz. In both cases, we are talking about a reduction in frequency by 200 MHz compared to last year’s Snapdragon 4 Gen 2. Qualcomm does not even name the GPU used in the new product. Presumably, this could be the Adreno 619L variant. Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 supports LPDDR4-2133 RAM and UFS 3.1 flash memory.
The chip also includes a Spectra ISP signal processor. It supports one camera with a resolution of up to 32 megapixels or a set of two modules with a resolution of 16 megapixels each with Zero Shutter Lag function for shooting at 30 frames per second, and also provides the ability to shoot static images at a resolution of up to 84 megapixels. Video recording capabilities here are limited to 1080p resolution and 30 frames per second. Additionally, Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 features support for displays with resolutions up to 1080p and refresh rates up to 90 Hz.
Among the wireless connectivity options for Snapdragon 4s Gen 2, support for 5G (NSA/SA) in the ranges up to 6 GHz (Sub-6GHz), Bluetooth 5.1, 802.11 b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi (not Wi-Fi 6), dual frequency GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and NavIC. Smartphone manufacturers can equip devices based on Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 with a USB 3.1 connector for charging, as well as use the Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ fast charging standard.
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