Qualcomm this week did not limit itself to the announcement of Snapdragon 8 Elite processors for mobile devices, but also introduced Snapdragon Cockpit Elite and Snapdragon Ride Elite processors for automotive electronics. The chip developer also agreed to deepen cooperation with Google regarding the development of the Android Automotive OS operating system and the integration of artificial intelligence functions in transport.
First of all, as Reuters notes, the parties announced the development of a version of the Google Android Automotive OS operating system, which is optimized for Qualcomm processors. At the same time, automakers will have the opportunity to develop artificial intelligence functions such as voice assistants, which take into account in detail the features of a particular brand’s products, and at the same time can work without a smartphone.
Previously, as Qualcomm representatives note, this company acted in the same direction as Google, but independently of it. The companies did a lot together, but they reached consumers in different ways. Now they will join forces to eliminate the inevitable shortcomings in their activities.
The Snapdragon Ride Elite processor, introduced the day before, is focused on automating the process of driving a vehicle, and the Snapdragon Cockpit Elite is responsible for infotainment. At least, Mercedes-Benz has already announced its readiness to use them when designing new car models. However, when they will appear on the market is not specified.
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