The founder of the Telegram messenger Pavel Durov had his detention period extended in France until August 28. The local prosecutor’s office previously warned about the possibility of extending the detention period, explaining this measure in accordance with the “procedure applicable to crimes falling under the organized crime regime.” After this period, the judge must either bring specific charges or release the entrepreneur.
Image source: Pavel Durov
Let us remind you that Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport in Paris, where he flew on his private plane from Baku. The warrant was issued by the Juvenile Justice Department, which is a branch of the National Police. The case is being investigated by the Gendarmerie Cyber Security Unit and the Police Anti-Fraud Unit.
The case against Durov was opened on July 8. The materials contain charges against an “unnamed person” of 12 crimes, including refusal to cooperate with the authorities, complicity in the possession and distribution of pornographic images of minors, complicity in the acquisition, transportation, storage, sale or transfer of narcotic drugs, complicity in fraud as part of an organized crime group. groups, the use of cryptocurrency instruments.
A representative of the Department of Juvenile Affairs previously stated that the reason for opening a case against Durov was the “lack of moderation and cooperation on the part of the platform,” especially on issues of combating child crime. French President Emanuel Macron said that Durov’s detention was not related to any political motives.
Telegram said in a statement on the matter that the messenger complies with EU laws, including the Digital Services Act, which imposes stricter rules on combating the spread of disinformation and illegal content for large platforms. The company emphasized that Durov “has nothing to hide,” as well as the absurdity that the platform or its owner is responsible for its abuse.