During the next span of the satellite of Jupiter, the NASA NASA “Juno” (Juno) recorded the colossal eruption of the volcano in the area of the South Pole of the Moon. The eruption area was up to 100,000 km² – this is more than the largest of the great lakes in the United States. Several closely located craters erupted magma with energy, six times higher than the power of all earthly power plants. Juno detectors could not completely recognize the details of this phenomenon.
The infrared picture of the South Pole of IO when the NASA “Juno” probe is a probe on December 27, 2024. Image source: NASA
«Although it is always pleasant to become a witness to the events that record books of records, this new hot point can potentially make much more, ”NASA experts say. “The intriguing feature can improve our understanding of volcanism not only on IO, but also on other planets.”
The amazing discovery of Juno made during a close span of IO on December 27, 2024. This was not the closest rapprochement with the satellite: the probe flies around Jupiter, and rapprochement with the IO is not included in its main tasks. In December, Juno flew over the southern pole of this moon at a distance of 74,400 km. See struck by scientists. To the right of the pole, the real “sea of fire” was discovered. Later, scientists found that the infrared chamber detectors were partially blinded due to powerful radiation, and there were several sources of magama to the surface. The Juno Jovian Infrand Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) detector, designed to study Jupiter to a depth of 70 km under cloud cover, experiences significant loads in the study of IO.
Earlier on the IO – the most volcanically active celestial body of the solar system, which has hundreds of simultaneously active volcanoes – the most extensive output of magma occupied an area of up to 20,000 km². The new exit has significantly surpassed previous observations and became the most powerful eruption of the volcano, registered in our star system.
The pictures of close spans show a change in the surface in the eruption zone for a long time
«Jiram discovered extreme infrared radiation – a massive hot point – in the southern hemisphere of IO, so strong that it flooded our detector, ”said Alessandro Mura, a specialist from the Juno National Institute of Astrophysics in Rome. – However, we have evidence that we actually discovered several closely located hot spots that were erupted at the same time, which indicates an extensive system of underground magmatic foci. The data confirm that this is the most intensive eruption of the volcano ever registered on the IO. ”
The probe will fly over this area on March 3, 2025 and take pictures of the eruption or what remains of it. Perhaps, observations from the Earth will be conducted for the IO. The discovered eruption went beyond the expected and requires a more detailed study.