Apple has announced that the minimum amount of RAM for MacBook Air laptops with M2 and M3 processors is now 16 GB. At the same time, the price of the most affordable laptop configuration is still $999. That is, Apple now offers twice as much RAM for the same money.
Previously, Apple asked $200 to increase the amount of RAM from a minimum of 8 GB to 16 GB. Increasing the minimum amount of RAM makes the MacBook Air more competitive compared to other solutions. The most likely reason for the increase in RAM is the introduction of new Apple Intelligence AI features that require more RAM to operate.
The last time Apple increased the minimum amount of RAM on the MacBook Air was in 2016. Then the company announced a 13-inch version with 8 GB, which replaced the 11-inch model with 4 GB of memory in the basic configuration.
All of the computers Apple unveiled this week—the refreshed iMac, Mac Mini, and MacBook Pro—offer at least 16GB of RAM.
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