Yesterday, Qualcomm introduced the Snapdragon X chip at CES 2025, which took the bottom position in the Snapdragon X Series family of Arm processors for PCs. The new product is aimed not only at affordable laptops, but also at desktop mini-PCs costing about $600. At the same CES, Lenovo showed its first compact devices based on Snapdragon X Series processors.
The base Qualcomm Snapdragon X is equipped with an eight-core Oryon CPU clocked at 3.0 GHz, integrated Adreno graphics with a performance of 1.7 teraflops and a Hexagon NPU AI accelerator with a performance of 45 TOPS. The first manufacturers to release desktop mini-PCs on the new chip at the beginning of this year are Asus, Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo. Lenovo showed two models of computers powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors.
The compact desktop PC Lenovo ThinkCentre neo 50q QC is aimed at corporate users. It comes with a mid-range Snapdragon X Plus processor and a budget Snapdragon X processor. Both come with a 45 TOPS AI accelerator “to ensure smooth, efficient project execution without sacrificing power efficiency.”
The ThinkCentre neo 50q QC desktop computer will offer up to 16 GB of LPDDR5x RAM and two slots for solid-state drives (volume not specified). The system has a Wi-Fi 6E module, as well as a wide range of ports, including three USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A and one Type-C, two USB 2.0, a combined audio jack, an RJ45 network port, one HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4a.
In turn, the target audience of the Lenovo IdeaCentre Mini x (1L, 10) mini-desktop is representatives of technical and creative professions. The Snapdragon X Plus PC integrates AI into everyday workflows for enhanced productivity.
This computer will offer up to 32 GB of LPDDR5x-8488 RAM and up to 1 TB of PCIe 4.0 SSD storage. The set of ports here is similar to those of the ThinkCentre neo 50q QC described above, but also includes USB Type-C 4.0. There is also support for the faster Wi-Fi 7 standard.
Prices and release dates for new mini-PCs powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon X processors have not yet been specified.
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