Intel has announced that Core Ultra mobile processors, codenamed Lunar Lake, will be unveiled just before the start of the IFA 2024 electronics exhibition in Berlin. The launch of the first processors of the new series will take place on September 3. On this day, the company will reveal details about the architecture of the new chips. The event is scheduled to be broadcast at 19:00 Moscow time.
«Before IFA 2024, join Michelle Johnston Holthaus, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Client Business Group, Intel, and Jim Johnson, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Client Business Group, and our partners, which will announce the launch of a new generation of Intel Core Ultra processors, codenamed Lunar Lake. During the livestream of the event, they will share details about the breakthrough energy efficiency of x86-compatible processors, outstanding compute performance, significant leaps in graphics performance, and the unparalleled AI performance that the new Lunar Lake processors and future products from Intel will offer. in a company statement.
According to the VideoCardz portal, the new Lunar Lake series will feature up to 9 processor models. However, they all have the same core configuration: four large Lion Cove cores and four energy-efficient Skymont cores. From earlier leaks it is known that the new processors will be called the Core Ultra 200V series.
The chips will differ in frequency, amount of built-in RAM (16 or 32 GB), cache memory size, TDP, new NPU performance, as well as the number of graphics cores on the new Xe2-LPG (Battlemage) architecture. Thus, in addition to processors, the company will also present a new graphics architecture. Below is a table with expected Core Ultra 200V processor models.
A live broadcast of the launch of Lunar Lake processors can be viewed on the official Intel website.
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