Taiwan’s Foxconn is best known as a contract manufacturer for Apple products, but its business of assembling server systems is becoming increasingly important amid the artificial intelligence boom. Last month, for example, Foxconn managed to increase revenue by 42% year-on-year thanks to the direction of AI.
Image source: Foxconn
Overall, Foxconn increased revenue by 15% to $64.72 billion in the last quarter, exceeding analysts’ expectations. In the current quarter, Foxconn management also expects significant revenue growth year-on-year. Consumer products in the past quarter provided revenue at the level of the same period last year. Foxconn’s December revenue reached nearly $20 billion, the second-highest month in the company’s history.
Since the first quarter is not the highest season in terms of Foxconn’s activities, its revenue should remain at the level of the previous quarter, but in annual comparison it will increase significantly. Foxconn will publish a full quarterly report only on March 14, when it sums up all the results of the fourth quarter of last year. This year, Foxconn’s revenue from assembling server systems for the cloud segment should reach the levels typical for the iPhone division. Historically, servicing Apple’s orders accounted for more than half of Foxconn’s revenue.