HP last month introduced the OmniBook X laptop powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite processor. Now the vendor has announced a more powerful OmniBook Ultra 14, the hardware basis of which is the AMD Ryzen AI 300 processor with a powerful AI engine (NPU) with a performance of 50 TOPS (trillion operations per second) and powerful integrated Radeon 800M graphics. For comparison, the performance of the Snapdragon X Elite AI coprocessor is 45 TOPS.
In the official images, the new laptop looks very similar to the OmniBook X. It has the same 14-inch display with a resolution of 2240 x 1440 pixels and the body looks almost identical. The biggest difference is that the OmniBook Ultra 14 has rounded edges on the back. The OmniBook Ultra 14 design includes two USB Type-C (Thunderbolt 4) ports, one USB Type-A, a 3.5 mm headset jack, and a 9-megapixel camera. The new product was the first HP consumer laptop with an AMD processor and Thunderbolt 4.
In terms of dimensions, the OmniBook Ultra 14 is slightly heavier than the OmniBook X (the weight of the new product is 1.58 kg), it is equipped with a more capacious 68 Wh battery. According to the manufacturer, in the MobileMark test the laptop demonstrated a result of 13 hours of battery life, and when playing video – up to 21 hours. Wireless connection is provided by the built-in Wi-Fi 7 module from MediaTek.
It is noteworthy that at the time of the start of sales, the OmniBook Ultra 14 will not fall into the Copilot+ PC AI computer category. HP will later release a free software update that will add support for AI features, but this will happen when Microsoft is ready to deploy them. This won’t stop HP from introducing its own AI features, such as HP AI Companion.
HP OmniBook Ultra 14 laptops will go on retail sale this August and will cost from $1,449.99. More accurate information will be available closer to the start of sales.
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