The Openai company announced an update for its GPT-4O AI model, which is the basis for the ChatGPT chatbot, including its free version. The update made the neural network “smarter in all parameters”, and also “endowed it with more relevant information”, and also taught “a deeper understanding and analysis of images loaded [users].”
Image source: OpenAI
The key feature of the fresh update of the GPT-4O AI-model is that ChatGPT chat boot is now better copes with the tasks of STEM-disciplines, that is, it is better versed in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and programming. Good news for those who are supposed to help ChatGPT, for example, in matters of writing code or solving problems related to cross-domain problems.
Also, the GPT-4O II model was trained on the basis of more fresh information, so chat bots based on it can now refer to data until June 2024. This means that ChatGPT will be able to provide more context with relatively more fresh trends and events.
As for the functions associated with the generation and editing of images, ChatGPT now “understands” better and analyzes the images loaded by the user. For example, a chatbot will be able to provide better tips for editing images, and it is also better to analyze complex graphs and diagrams.
Finally, ChatGPT will show more enthusiasm in using various emoji in his answers, especially when emoji will also be used in the user’s requests.