WhatsApp messenger in its latest beta version is testing a new app design for Android, which replaces the “Communities” tab on the main screen with a special section for AI chatbots. It includes a selection of “Popular AI Characters” to chat with and other themed options. Other AI-powered features on WhatsApp include AI-generated images and stickers, and a search tool powered by Meta✴ AI.
The AI tools and chatbots listed are not new to WhatsApp, although they are only available in the US and a few other countries, and support a limited selection of languages. The app is also experimenting with expanding its roster of AI bots, adding the ability to create personalized AI characters. Previously, it was possible to create custom AI bots, but only through AI Studio on the Instagram website✴. Adding this option directly to the application greatly simplifies the process.
Even though the new AI chatbots tab replaces the existing Communities tab, the functionality isn’t going away. Based on the previous beta and developer comments, community creation will be simplified and moved to the Chats tab.
Although the latest beta version of WhatsApp is live on Google Play, the number of testers is limited and the option to join the test is not currently available. It’s hard to say if or when the AI tab will be added to the final build of the app. Either way, the change will likely be limited to only those countries where AI features are already available.
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