Pavel Durov presented a new tool for business called Telegram Gateway, which will allow companies to verify the phone numbers of their users at the lowest price to date – only $0.01 per message with a verification code, regardless of country.
Image source: Telegram
This method will help save millions of dollars to companies that previously sent verification codes via traditional SMS, Durov reports on his channel. It is emphasized that Telegram Gateway is much cheaper, faster and safer than standard SMS verification. “It’s a powerful and convenient way to reduce costs while increasing the security and speed of code delivery to Telegram’s more than 950 million monthly active users.”
The phone number verification industry is a billion-dollar market. Telegram, which spends about $10 million a month on user authentication, offers companies to avoid these costs by guaranteeing instant delivery, unlike SMS messages, which can take several minutes to wait.
Companies will have access to detailed statistics that can be used to track message volume and manage budgets, as well as analyze conversions and user growth.
As Durov notes, Telegram Gateway will not become a significant source of income for the messenger, however, “this initiative will make the world more efficient by reducing costs and prices for these services around the world.” In terms of security, it offers a proven open-source encryption protocol that, unlike SMS, cannot be tampered with or spoofed using a SIM card.
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