The Chinese media reported the beginning of the final assembly and testing of the modules and the lunar rover for the Chan-7 mission, scheduled for 2026. The mission will be aimed at finding water ice in the eternal shadow of lunar craters at the satellite south pole. The detection of water on the moon will repeatedly accelerate its development and create a base for flights to Mars.
Image source: AI generation Kandinsky 3.1/3DNews
China has already planted lunar incidents in the equatorial region of the moon – two on the visible side and two on the opposite. Planting in low latitudes is much easier, since it does not require complex orbital maneuvers. The conquest of the South Pole is a challenge that will require an effort at all stages of the mission. The complex relief of sub -sorcual areas, wiped with many shock craters, is not the best place for safe descent to the surface of the moon.
For safe navigation in a complex relief, the landing module will be endowed with the ability to independently and “deeply” evaluate the folds of the area. The module will partially be autonomous and will be able to independently make decisions about the necessary maneuvers. The solar panels on the module will be oriented vertically to collect light from the sun as much as possible, which is always low above the horizon in the planting area.
The lunar rover will also be unusual – it will be jumping. There is a shock -absorbing design of supports with an active “smart” adjustment to make safe jumps on slopes and uneven surfaces. A water molecule sensor will be installed on the lunoper. It is assumed that at the bottom of craters and on the slopes in the shade there may be deposits of water ice. Water is oxygen for breathing and fuel for missiles. If they don’t find it on the moon, then to support the life support of people at the bases will have to be delivered from the ground, which will significantly complicate the development of the satellite and, moreover, will not create opportunities for jumping to Mars.