Until the end of the spring session, that is, until August 4, the State Duma may adopt amendments to the bill that will oblige bloggers and owners of Telegram channels with more than 10 thousand subscribers to submit personal information to Roskomnadzor. This was reported by sources of the TASS, Interfax and RIA Novosti news agencies.
The relevant State Duma committee will consider the initiative next week, and it can be adopted before August 4. We are talking about amendments to the bill on tightening the issuance of SIM cards – the document equalizes the requirements for telecom operators and messenger administrations. The channels of bloggers who do not transmit information to Roskomnadzor may be blocked.
The threshold of 10 thousand subscribers is not final – initially legislators proposed introducing such requirements for bloggers who have more than 1 thousand subscribers. In June, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill on the circulation of SIM cards. For example, foreigners will now be able to receive SIM cards only when visiting a mobile operator’s office in person. Subscribers of mobile operators will receive notifications about all numbers registered in their name and will be able to disconnect them.
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