Next week, Apple is expected to introduce the Apple Watch Series 10 smartwatch along with the iPhone 16. There is not much information about them yet, but if unconfirmed reports are to be believed, they will receive an updated ECG sensor capable of detecting sleep apnea. This was reported by 9to5Mac and Bloomberg, citing their own sources.
Apple’s new smartwatch will be able to detect signs of sleep apnea, a condition in which a person stops breathing for more than ten seconds during sleep. If the device detects the probable presence of this phenomenon, it will recommend that the owner consult a doctor for further examination.
There are also unofficial information about other distinctive features of the Apple Watch Series 10: the size of the smartwatch display will increase slightly, the case will become thinner, and its water resistance will increase – as a result, the base model will be able to work with the Depth application, which was previously only available on the Apple Watch Ultra. The manufacturer is also likely to change the mechanism for processing data about the owner’s health status – signs of atrial fibrillation will be detected in the Health application, and not by the Apple Watch itself.
Despite all the innovations, there will be no blood oxygen level sensor in the new Apple smartwatches – the manufacturer was forced to abandon it due to a patent dispute with Masimo.
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