Apple is expected to unveil the iPhone 16 series of smartphones during the event. According to preliminary data, the main change in the design of the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus will be the transition to a vertically aligned camera system on the rear panel. In turn, the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max may receive larger screens, but, according to rumors, will retain Apple’s usual arrangement of three rear cameras. Also, the new generation Pro models may come in a new bronze color.
All four iPhone 16 models are expected to feature the Action Button, which was exclusive to the iPhone 15 Pro lineup. The new iPhones may also feature a new button dedicated to taking photos and videos, but it is unclear whether this will be an exclusive feature for the Pro versions or whether it will be available on the regular iPhone 16 models as well.
AI and Apple Intelligence features will also likely be a big part of Apple’s event. Currently, only the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max support Apple Intelligence, but rumors suggest that the entire iPhone 16 lineup will be able to use Apple Intelligence. True, not all AI functions will be available at the launch of smartphones – many will appear much later.
According to rumors, Apple will also present the Apple Watch Series 10 and two versions of the new AirPods at the event.
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