The high performance of the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite chip was expected, as confirmed by the very first tests. But it seems that one of its biggest advantages for future Android flagships on the new Qualcomm chip may be significantly increased battery life. The first tests showed that the increase in battery life was significantly higher than might have been expected.

Image source: Qualcomm

Battery testing was carried out using Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro and OnePlus 13 smartphones. Both devices received larger batteries than their predecessors – 5800 mAh and 6000 mAh, respectively. However, the autonomy of phones has increased much more than could be expected based on the increase in battery capacity.

The battery capacity of the Asus ROG Phone 9 Pro has increased by 5.4% compared to its predecessor, which had a 5500 mAh battery. However, when comparing battery life in the PCMark test, battery life on a single charge increased from just over 11 hours to almost 14.5 hours, an increase of almost 30%.

The OnePlus 13’s battery has 11% more capacity than the OnePlus 12’s battery, and the new Snapdragon 8 Elite lasted almost 17.5 hours during testing compared to 12.2 hours for the OnePlus 12, that is, 42% longer. It should be noted that the test used the Chinese version of OnePlus 13, and the target region of OnePlus 12 was not reported.

Qualcomm itself announced energy savings of the Snapdragon 8 Elite at around 27%. Be that as it may, there is a significant increase in operating time and it is obvious that Snapdragon 8 Elite plays a significant role in this. It can be assumed that other devices based on this chipset will demonstrate a similar increase in autonomy.


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