As artificial intelligence technologies advance, more and more algorithms are emerging to speed up and automate everyday tasks. However, so-called AI agents may not always be equally helpful. This was recently proven by Anysphere’s AI coding assistant Cursor. According to user janswist, at one point Cursor simply refused to generate code, telling the user that they had to learn to do it themselves.

Image source: Danial Igdery / Unsplash

«”I can’t generate the code for you because that would mean doing your job – you have to develop the logic yourself. This ensures that you understand the system and can support it properly,” the algorithm told the user after about an hour of working together.

Soon after, janswist wrote about the appearance of the mentioned message on the support forum and attached a corresponding screenshot to his message. There has been no official response from the developers on this issue yet. It can be assumed that janswist reached a certain limit of 750-800 lines of generated code, although other users have reported that Cursor helped them write large amounts of program code.

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It is noted that Cursor’s refusal to generate program code is very similar to the answers that novice programmers can get when asking questions on the Stack Overflow forum. It is possible that if Cursor was trained on data from this site, it could not only learn to give programming advice, but also leave caustic comments in the spirit of people.

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