Microblogging platform Bluesky reported last Friday that its audience had grown by 3 million new users. As the confrontation between the head of the social network X (formerly Twitter), Elon Musk, and the judge of the Supreme Court of Brazil, Alejandro de Moraes, intensifies, the number of Bluesky users has grown to more than 9 million from the 6 million announced in May.
Just over a week after a judge ordered the blocking of social network X in Brazil due to Elon Musk’s refusal to comply with government demands for content moderation, Bluesky’s audience has grown by 50%. The social network also assured users on Friday that video support would be coming to the platform soon. Bluesky previously reported that about 85% of its users live in Brazil.
The decision of the Supreme Court split Brazilian society, writes the RBC resource. According to an AtlasIntel poll, almost 51% of Brazilians disagreed with the blocking of social network X, while just over 48% supported the court’s decision. According to The Wall Street Journal, tens of thousands of Brazilians demonstrated in central Sao Paulo on Saturday to protest against the blocking of the popular social network.
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