Emulation of previous generation consoles is becoming a reality. Enthusiasts presented the first working versions of PS4 and Xbox One emulators. While only a limited number of games are available to launch, Bloodborne has already demonstrated impressive results: the gothic action game is capable of delivering over 160 frames per second on PC.
Image source: Kotaku
Emulation of modern consoles is still in its early stages of development compared to classic consoles. However, there has been progress recently. A new Xbox One emulator has arrived, and shadPS4, a utility that allows you to run games on PS4, has received a major boost from interest in Bloodborne, which has become a powerful driving force for developers, TechSpot notes.
ShadPS4 co-creator George Moralis recently shared a video showing Bloodborne gameplay on PC. And although the gameplay is not without errors, certain advances in the development of the emulator were demonstrated.
Interestingly, Bloodborne attracted particular attention from modders who began adding visual improvements to the game. At the same time, Bloodborne officially remains a PS4 exclusive, where it runs at 30 fps in 1080p resolution. The shadPS4 emulator supports Windows, macOS and Linux and can run Bloodborne at over 160fps on an RTX 4090 graphics card, although visual and audio bugs remain.
It is worth mentioning the recently announced XWine1 emulator for Xbox One, the developers of which have confirmed that six games, including Minecraft, Peggle 2, Sonic Mania, Limbo and Undertale, are already fully functional. XWine1 can also run games on Xbox and Xbox 360, opening up opportunities for classic titles that didn’t get a PC port. For example, the original Red Dead Redemption and Ninja Gaiden Black.