The Japanese studio Ryu Ga Gotoku, which released the monstrous role-playing game Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth in early 2024, is already preparing the announcement of the next project – it should surprise fans.
According to Video Games Chronicle, citing a recent live broadcast with the participation of the developers, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s next game will be presented at Japan’s Tokyo Game Show 2024.
It is unclear what kind of project Ryu Ga Gotoku is preparing for the presentation. The studio is primarily known for its work on Like a Dragon (formerly Yakuza), its Judgment spin-offs, and (to a lesser extent) the Super Monkey Ball franchise.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio is definitely already in production on the next Like a Dragon, and it’s definitely not Yakuza Kiwami 3 – a full-fledged remake of Yakuza 3 – although the studio has thoughts about it.
At the beginning of July, at a speech at the Anime Expo festival, representatives of Ryu Ga Gotoku said that fans would be surprised by the announcement of the studio’s next project, so a new Like a Dragon is not the only possible option.
Ryu Ga Gotoku’s productivity can only be envied: in the last five years alone, the studio has released 12 games, including three Super Monkey Ball, four remasters of past projects, four Yakuza/Like a Dragon and Lost Judgment.
Tokyo Game Show 2024 is positioned by the organizers as the largest in history – 731 participants and 3,190 stands. The exhibition will be held from September 26 to 29 at the Makuhari Messe complex on the outskirts of Tokyo, in the city of Chiba.
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