The developers from Ghost Ship Games (this time noticeably later than usual) shared the achievements of the community of their cooperative shooter about the DEEP Rock Galactic space yardes over the past year.
Image Source: Ghost Ship Games
As it became known, the total sales of Deep Rock Galactic on all target platforms exceeded 10 million copies (against 8 million according to the results of 2023). The most successful year in the history of the project remained 2023 (2.567 million).
The developers also updated the statistics of the popularity of Deep Rock Galactic in Steam (the size is indicated in the brackets according to the results of 2023):
- 1 088 103 (800 715) the user played in Deep Rock Galactic for more than 100 hours;
- 48 hours and 2 minutes (46 hours) on average spent a buyer on Steam on the game;
- 346 991 796 (282.4 million) sessions at Deep Rock Galactic played from the release in 2018;
- 848 684 144 (716 806 795) missions in Deep Rock Galactic played from the release;
- 139 210 (150 300) – the average number of daily players in 2024;
- 1 147 955 (1 018 230) – the average number of monthly players in 2024;
- 11 702 (19 913) – the average number of simultaneous players in 2024.
Addition of Order of the Deep has become the most quickly sold in the history of the game – more than 48.8 thousand in the first day
The most relevant statistical indicators of Deep Rock Galactic players for 2024 were also revealed. Here are some of them:
- The three leaders of the most common causes of the death of players have not changed compared to 2023. In the first place is damage from the fall (only 32.6 million deaths), in the second-Glyphid Soldate (17.1 million), and on the third-fire on its (15.9 million);
- In 2024, players ordered beer more than 45.4 million times (94.2 million circles were drunk in total);
- Only 17.3 % of players managed to lose consciousness (on average 3.3 times per each) as a result of excessive alcohol consumption – in 2023 the indicator reached 22 %;
- Users left the Barmen Lloyd’s robot for 109.9 million loans (171.6 million);
- Work Instructions, Wild End and Shattered Armt led the rating of the most popular missions.
«As usual, the indicators associated with impaired safety and complaints of employees were omitted, since the leadership found these figures statistically insignificant, ”the developers joke (Lee).
Full infographics Deep Rock Galactic according to the results of 2024 (an increase in pressing)
In addition, the DRG: Rogue Core Rogue Core has risen to the 67th place in the list of the most coveted Steam games, and the automatic shooting shooter DRG: Survivor reached 1 million copies for a month from the release in early access.
Deep Rock Galactic debuted in early access on February 28, 2018, and reached a full release in May 2020. The game was released on PC (Steam, Microsoft Store), PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and S.