The Fntastic studio, which returned from obscurity after the deafening failure of the online shooter The Day Before, announced the cancellation of the Kickstarter campaign for the new game and announced another project.
Image Source: Game Rant
According to Fntastic, the initiative to raise funds for the development of the multiplayer arcade Escape Factory has no chance of success – a few days before the end of the campaign, the game had only $2.3 thousand out of the required $15 thousand.
Without waiting for the end of the collection, the studio canceled the Kickstarter campaign (the money will be returned to all investors) and decided to postpone the creation of Escape Factory until “more appropriate times.”
Escape Factory is about the escape of exhausted workers from the world’s deadliest factories (Image source: Steam)
Fntastic also noted that after the revival, it received many messages asking them to release a game in the spirit of Propnight (multiplayer hide and seek), and therefore is now announcing the Items project.
Items is an action-horror game in the style of Propnight (the studio has lost the rights to this game) – “exactly what many of you have been waiting for.” The project does not currently have a demo version, but when it does, Fntastic may go back to Kickstarter.
For initial funding for the development of Items, the studio will undertake to produce some mobile games. All proceeds should go towards the core product: “We believe this will help us create the game of your dreams.”
As part of its return to the industry, Fntastic pledged to adhere to the principles of honesty, openness and professionalism, although the announcement of Escape Factory brought upon the studio accusations of using other people’s work.